Sign up to become an adoptive or foster family, or to become a sponsor to one of our animals.

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Rescue, foster, adopt, protect, tend to medical needs, rehabilitate and rehoming. 

Adopt, Foster, Sponsor, Surrender

Chartered in New York State as a non-profit corporation, The Grayter Good Inc. is dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to and the medical wellbeing of animals throughout the United States of America. Our specific focus is on purebred Weimaraners. Our services include Weimaraner rescue, fostering, protection from abuse, all medical needs, rehabilitation and rehoming.  In addition, The Grayter Good Inc. will also, via grants and direct donations, provide financial assistance to other rescues and individuals who do the same.

The Grayter Good Inc is a Non-Profit - Recognized IRS 501(c)(3) Charity 

​​Our Services

The Grayter Good Weimaraner Rescue

Chartered in January 2015 we hope to help fill the Weim needs throughout the U.S.A.